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5 ways to improve your memory

Im traying to show you 10 ways to improve your memory and help to study. 1. Walk before the exam  It’s been proven that exercise can boost...

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Keep it Healthy .

You need to keep you body healthy , its a really big deal in those days to be healthy , so im going to give you some tips to keep it healthy.

Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated, it also keeps your skin looking healthier, aids in digestion, and gives you more energy. For the love of God, put down your soda (forever!) and pick up a glass of water. Drink at least five glasses a day.

Eat real food... Opt for fruits, grains, and veggies. Steer clear of pre-packaged non-nutritious foods.
Not too much... A calorie is a calorie. It doesn't matter if a calorie comes from broccoli or white bread, it's still a calorie. If you eat too many, you will gain weight. That said, a slice of white bread gives you no nutritional value, it's as if you ate cardboard and if you wouldn't eat cardboard, then why eat white bread? Use your head.
Mostly plants... They taste really good and they are really good for you. There's no reason not to incorporate more plants into your diet. You can have your meat and eat your fruit and veggies, too.
Sleep is overlooked and underrated when it comes to being healthy. Your body needs rest like it needs food and water, so stop depriving it! If your current lifestyle keeps you from getting a good night's sleep, then change your lifestyle. Life is not work, it is not money, and it sure isn't about dying early from stress. So sleep, nap, go to bed early or wake up late. Fit it in, no excuses

Find something movement-based that you enjoy. (Some ideas: yoga, running, or kickboxing.) Why? Because movement makes you feel good. Our bodies are hardwired to inform us of what we should and shouldn't do. When our body feels good after a nourishing meal, a morning walk, or a nice overdue phone call to a friend, it's the body's way of saying, Hey, this is good, keep it up. Start listening to the signals your body sends; they'll light your path towards longevity, sustainability and happiness.

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