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5 ways to improve your memory

Im traying to show you 10 ways to improve your memory and help to study. 1. Walk before the exam  It’s been proven that exercise can boost...

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Heart Attack Signs

A healthy heart indicates robust health, but heart attacks and heart diseases are leading causes of premature death across the world. Is it possible to ensure a healthy heart? Is there a way to avoid heart diseases?

The answer is yes. Besides hereditary and congenital reasons, all other factors leading to heart diseases can be barred by adapting a healthy lifestyle.

Warning signs are important. One should know the warning signs of a heart attack. This is necessary not only for heart patients or their caregivers, but for everyone. Warning signs can help you recognize the onset of a heart attack and avoid heart diseases by ensuring proper and timely aid.

The five most important warning signs of heart attack and heart diseases include:

• Chest pain is an important warning sign of a heart disease. It might range from mild discomfort to severe pain. The pain can be a heaviness in the chest or a strong pressure on the chest. However, some patients do not experience this warning sign.

• A pressure or feeling of tightness in the jaw, shoulder, arm, or neck; or suffocation due to excessive pain in the chest or shoulders can be important warning signs of a heart disease.

• Indigestion, nausea, and vomiting in people with strong digestion without a noticeable reason are warning signs of a heart disease or heart attack. This is true especially if there is no reason for the symptoms, they are unexpected, and if you do not find relief from general home remedies.

• Sweating may result from a stressed heart, which needs significantly more effort to accomplish pumping blood. Profuse sweating is a warning sign of heart diseases, especially when there is not much physical activity.

• Shortness of breath or physical exhaustion is a sign of excessive physical exertion. Nevertheless, when shortness of breath or exhaustion occurs without much physical exercise, it can be among the early warning signs of heart diseases. The body might be indicating a hindrance in the heart’s functioning through this warning sign. When noticed, consult a doctor and seek medical aid.

Remember, warning signs of a heart attack can vary.
• There may be a reason for the blockage of the heart’s pumping actio
• Another medical condition may be affecting the heart of the patient.
• Warning signs of heart diseases can be mild or persistent or sudden and severe.
• Some patients experience a combination of warning signs but others might experience just one or two.
Even if you have a healthy heart regular checkups are necessary. This helps avoid heart diseases and ensures you have a healthy heart. In case you have a family or personal history of heart disease or have experienced a heart attack, remain alert about the warning signs and ensure medical aid is available in time to avoid a heart attack.

Foods that your body needs.

1. Green Beans
Filling up on green beans, and other high-fiber foods, can help you prevent weight gain or even promote weight loss—without dieting—suggests new research. Researchers found that women who increased their fiber intake generally lost weight while women who decreased the fiber in their diets gained. The scientists boiled the findings into a single weight-loss formula: boosting fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories consumed resulted in losing about 4 1/2 pounds over the course of the study. Try it for yourself. If you’re consuming 2,000 calories per day, aim to increase your fiber by 16 grams.

2. Salmon 
The omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish—such as salmon and tuna—can boost your skin’s defenses against UV damage. In a study published earlier this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that those who ate a little more than 5 ounces of omega-3-rich fish each week decreased the development of precancerous skin lesions by almost 30 percent. Scientists think the omega-3s act as a shield, protecting cell walls from free-radical damage

3. Blueberries
Eating just under a cup of mixed berries (such as red raspberries, strawberries, blueberries) daily for 8 weeks was associated with increased levels of “good” HDL cholesterol and lowered blood pressure—two positives when it comes to heart health—according to a recent study . The diverse range of polyphenols—health-promoting plant compounds that include anthocyanins and ellagic acid—provided by the mix of berries is likely responsible for the observed benefits.

4. Watermelon
Research shows that eating foods that are full of water, such as watermelon, helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories. (Interestingly enough, drinking water alongside foods doesn’t have the safe effect.) At 92% water, watermelon is a good source of vitamin C. When it’s the red variety (some are orange or yellow), it also has lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer. Other foods that are made mostly of water include cucumbers (95 %), salad greens (90 %) and strawberries (91%).

5. Tomatoes

Eating more vitamin-C rich foods, such as oranges, tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli, may be a secret to smoother skin. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition links consuming plenty of vitamin C-rich foods with youthful skin. The findings suggest that a higher intake of vitamin C from foods is associated with a lower risk of having wrinkled skin and age-related skin dryness in middle-age women. Vitamin C’s youthful effects on skin may be due to its antioxidant properties, which help protect against ultraviolet rays, and its role in keeping skin firm via collagen synthesis, say the researchers.

Keep it Healthy .

You need to keep you body healthy , its a really big deal in those days to be healthy , so im going to give you some tips to keep it healthy.

Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated, it also keeps your skin looking healthier, aids in digestion, and gives you more energy. For the love of God, put down your soda (forever!) and pick up a glass of water. Drink at least five glasses a day.

Eat real food... Opt for fruits, grains, and veggies. Steer clear of pre-packaged non-nutritious foods.
Not too much... A calorie is a calorie. It doesn't matter if a calorie comes from broccoli or white bread, it's still a calorie. If you eat too many, you will gain weight. That said, a slice of white bread gives you no nutritional value, it's as if you ate cardboard and if you wouldn't eat cardboard, then why eat white bread? Use your head.
Mostly plants... They taste really good and they are really good for you. There's no reason not to incorporate more plants into your diet. You can have your meat and eat your fruit and veggies, too.
Sleep is overlooked and underrated when it comes to being healthy. Your body needs rest like it needs food and water, so stop depriving it! If your current lifestyle keeps you from getting a good night's sleep, then change your lifestyle. Life is not work, it is not money, and it sure isn't about dying early from stress. So sleep, nap, go to bed early or wake up late. Fit it in, no excuses

Find something movement-based that you enjoy. (Some ideas: yoga, running, or kickboxing.) Why? Because movement makes you feel good. Our bodies are hardwired to inform us of what we should and shouldn't do. When our body feels good after a nourishing meal, a morning walk, or a nice overdue phone call to a friend, it's the body's way of saying, Hey, this is good, keep it up. Start listening to the signals your body sends; they'll light your path towards longevity, sustainability and happiness.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

5 Alzhemier Signs

Alzheimer's is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. There are 10 warning signs and symptoms. Every individual may experience one or more of these signs in a different degree. If you notice any of them, please see a doctor.

1.Memory Lost :
One of the most common signs of Alzheimer's is memory loss, especially forgetting recently learned information. Others include forgetting important dates or events; asking for the same information over and ove

2.Face the problems to solve the problems :
They face the problem to solve quick and easy problems , they try to work with numbers and have a lot off problems .

3.They are confused in time and places :
They start to have problems in time and places where they are and maybe they forgot how they came in there.

4.They start to have problems in speaking and writing:
People with Alzheimer's may have trouble following or joining a conversation. They may stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to continue or they may repeat themselves. They may struggle with vocabulary, have problems finding the right word or call things by the wrong name.

5.Changes in mood and personality :
The mood and personalities of people with Alzheimer's can change. They can become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or anxious. They may be easily upset at home, at work, with friends or in places where they are out of their comfort zone

Healthy Nervous System

How to Take Care of Your Nervous System

Many patients are concerned about the nervous system. This post, How to Take Care of Your Nervous System, is an answer to many questions we get.

nervous systemThe nervous system–the network of nerves and cells that carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body–is a complex system that requires attention and care.

Neuropathic conditions are caused by damage to or dysfunction of one or more the nerves in the nervous system. These conditions can lead to numbness or tingling, burning pain, sharp jabbing pain, sensitivity to touch, muscle weakness, dizziness, or lack of coordination.

How to Take Care of Your Nervous System

A number of factors can lead to a case of neuropathy, from tumors to infections, but there are some steps you can take to boost the health of your nervous system.

Diabetic Peripheral NeuropathyWhile many cases of neuropathy are caused by uncontrollable risk factors, there are quite a few risk factors that you can control.

Many of them fall in line with general advice on keeping healthy overall, though there are some specific actions you can take to influence nervous system health directly. In particular, you should:

Monitor your eating patterns and make sure to eat semi-regularly so as to not deplete the glucose your neurons use for energy
Eat a balanced diet that includes good levels of B-12 and D vitamins, as well as healthy fats
Avoid smoking and drinking excessive alcohol
Keep up with a solid sleep schedule, as sleep helps strengthen circuits within the nervous system which can help with memory
Exercise your nervous system and brain with activities like writing by hand or playing mind games like Sudoko
Take part in exercise that is appropriate for your body; aim to exercise at least three times a week
Maintain a healthy weight as many conditions, such as diabetic neuropathy, are closely linked to obesity or overweight
Avoid, or limit, environmental factors that can cause nerve damage, such as repetitive motions or exposure to toxic chemicals
Your nervous system deserves as much attention as other more obvious bodily systems. By participating in healthy habits now, you can help treat or prevent future instances of nerve damage or deterioration.

5 tips to be prepared for Medical Emergency

These tips are for you to help more in the emergencys that you can face in your life . You have to be prepared and to stay calm thats the key.

 1.Keep a first-aid kit in your home and car :
When something happend not good you have to manage the situation in short time and if you have the first-aid with you that can be really helpful. Make sure that your first-aid its at car all the time and keep looking from time to time to look for new things to put in first-aid. 
2. Know where the closest hospital is :
You have know where the closet hospital is and you have to be quick to send the patient in the hospital. If you are not from that area than you ask everyone because you need to be quick. You can also try GPS and google maps search .

3. Keep the Poison Control Center programmed into your phone.
If you or a loved one has a lot of prescriptions, you should constantly try to be aware of the risks of mixing them with each other and other substances. But everyone makes mistakes and when a mistake extends to which pills you take and when – it can be very dangerous.

4. Keep a card on you with all your emergency numbers.

If something happens to you or a loved one that leaves you unable to call your emergency contacts, you want to make it’s as easy as possible for whoever ends up helping you out to do so. Keep an index card or something similar on you at all times that includes your closest family members, doctors, and anyone else you want alerted in the case of emergency.

5. Consider CPR training or a local first aid course.
You never know when trouble will hit and knowing basic first aid or CPR will come in handy. This is good information for everyone to have, but if you’re the caregiver of someone ill or prone to injury, it can especially come in handy. Look to see what courses are available in your area.  
It’s often possible to stave off the worst risks of an emergency if you respond quickly enough and have everything you need on hand in order to do so. None of the suggestions on this list cost much and for most of them the time commitment is minimal. A few minutes spent on preparation could potentially add years to your life or that of someone you love.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5 ways to memorize better

1. Read books :
 About memorizing those can really help you and who know maybe you will learn new styles and new stuffs that you didnt know before about learning and the way of learning .
There are sites that will improve your memory and also a memory game can help you to.

2. Alcohol , Wine , beer and drugs :
 If you really use those for sure you will be drung and you memory will not be the same , maybe for some days but if you use chronically than you will have a big problem.
Its you choice , we all know that we had a beer or a wine on fridays or saturdays but when you want to dring you have to know the consequences from that.

Well smoking will cause you even more damage and will not help at all. 

You have to know that the brain needs oxygen and what you are giving ? Not the oxygen that the brain needs , stop smoking its better for your life and really its jusst waste of money.

4.Sleep :
You have to sleep well and enought in order to memorize better , you need 8 hours to sleep. But you also can take a nap during the learning proces , if you learn at home its better if you do like this : learn 3 hours take nap for 30 min than when you woke up you will feel super charged.

5.Stress :
If you have stress all day long and you really think about everything . Stop you need to chill and take care for yourself , your health its more important that anything.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A life of a doctor

At the end of life, who gets the last word, doctor or family? Arthur Schafer If you’re a competent adult and if you don’t want life-sustaining treatment, there’s no doubt about who decides when enough is enough. The final word is yours. No one is entitled to intermeddle with your body against your wishes. On this issue, the principle of patient autonomy trumps all. Others may think your decision to refuse treatment unwise or even foolish; but it’s your call. So much is established in Canadian law: see the famous case of Nancy B., decided by the Superior Court of Quebec, in 1992. Moreover, if you have a living will (“an advance directive”) or appoint a surrogate decision maker (“give durable power of attorney”), then your treatment refusal must be respected even after you’ve ceased to be competent. What hasn’t yet been clearly established is whether you or your family also have a right to compel doctors to provide you with life sustaining treatment when the doctors believe that such treatment would be futile or even harmful. Professional standards of medical practice are set by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in each province. Interestingly, the Manitoba College is the first to tackle the challenge of setting ethical guidelines for withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. These guidelines apply only to Manitoba; but they could become a template for doctors across Canada. Here, in essence, is what they say. When a patient is so brain damaged that he cannot achieve either self-awareness or awareness of his environment then it is ethical for a doctor to take him/her off life support and provide, instead, comfort care. “A physician cannot be compelled by a patient …or member of a patient’s family to provide treatment that is not in accordance with the current standard of care.” Quite rightly, the Manitoba guidelines require that doctors communicate openly and honestly with the family of an incompetent patient. Where possible, a second medical opinion should be sought. Discussions will often include not only doctor and family but also nurse, social worker, chaplain and hospital ethicist. The aim or goal is to achieve consensus. In the great majority of cases this is achievable. But, in those exceptional cases where no agreement can be reached, the doctor is entitled to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment – whether it’s CPR, kidney dialysis, respirator or ventilator. This does not mean, however, that the doctors have the last word. If the family disagrees with the doctors’ decision then they have the option of going to court, as is happening currently in the Winnipeg case of Mr. Samuel Golobchuk. Key to understanding the guidelines is the following distinction: “A patient is not just a physical being, but a person with a body, mind and spirit expressed in a human personality of unique worth”. The implicit value judgement here is that aggressive life- prolongation is not always beneficial. When extensive brain damage has destroyed personhood, leaving mere biological life, then life-prolonging treatment is futile and may even be harmful to the patient. In my view, this value judgement offers a sensible and humane basis for physician ethics. Doctors are inevitably the gatekeepers for patient access to medical resources. You can’t obtain restricted medicines unless a doctor is willing to write a prescription; you can’t gain admission to hospital, unless a doctor decides that you will benefit thereby. There is a scarcity of intensive care beds; so, to admit or keep patients in the ICU who cannot benefit is to rob others who could benefit. Put simply, one person’s provision is another person’s deprivation. It’s unethical to waste scarce life-saving resources. If a patient will never again know who or where he is, as appears to be the case for Mr. Golobchuk, then artificially to prolong his breathing seems at best a waste of precious ICU resources and at worst a cruel ordeal for the patient. Doctors and nurses are not simply technicians providing marketplace services to customers. They are health care professionals who are bound by the ethical obligation “first of all, do no harm”. When a patient has irreversibly lost self-awareness then employing medical high technology in a vain attempt to resist death is often experienced by doctors and nurses as both unprofessional and deeply demoralizing. Physician integrity includes the right, even the duty, to say “no” when treatments offer no genuine benefit to the patient. Before concluding this brief discussion, I should consider a few of the more unusual arguments being advanced in court by the lawyer for the Golobchuk family. The family, it’s claimed, wants a “natural” death for Mr. Golobchuk rather than an artificial death. Apparently the family believes that it’s natural to die in an ICU, intubated from every orifice, surrounded by rotating teams of anonymous strangers. The family also argues that if ICU doctors “pull the plug” on Mr. Golobchuk and death results then the doctors will be guilty of “murder”. If the court agrees with this claim then thousands of Canadian doctors should prepare to stand trial for murder. Now, it’s true that most often when doctors discontinue life support they do so with the consent of the patient and/or the family. But consent is no defence to a murder charge. Finally, Mr. Golobchuk’s children, who are orthodox Jews, are relying upon the guarantee of religious freedom contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. According to their understanding of Judaism, every moment of every life is infinitely precious, regardless of its quality. Thus, every life should be maximally prolonged by whatever means are necessary. The implications of this view for our health care system would be dramatic, not to say potentially bankrupting. Heart transplants for 90 year old patients with metastatic cancer? Intensive care wards filled with patients who can never regain consciousness because their cerebral cortex has turned to mush? One may be forgiven for doubting the proposition that religious freedom includes either the right to make unreasonable demands upon our health care system or the right to compel doctors to act against their professional conscience. At the end of the day we may all be forced to accept some fundamental truths: death is inevitable; health care resources are limited; health care professionals have an obligation to steward those resources; and patients and their families must try to understand what a modern health care system can realistically offer.

 Arthur Schafer is professor of philosophy and Director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University of Manitoba.

10 most selling drugs

1. Abilify  (Aripiprazole)    -    Psychosis , deppresion  

2. Humira  (Adalimumab)    -  Crohn's disease  , Rheumatid arthritis

3. Nexium  (Esomeprazole)   -    Gastrointestinal disorders

4. Crestor  (Rosuvastatin)     -  Cholesterole

5. Enbrel  (Etanercept )        -  Rhemuatid arthritis

6. Adviar diskus , Seretide (Fluticasone / salmetrol ) - Asthma

7. Remicade ( Infliximab ) -   Crohn;s disease , Rhemuatid arthritis

8. Lantus Solostar ( Insulin glargine )   -  Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2

9. Neulasta ( Filgrastim )  -  Neutropenia

10. Copaxone ( Glatiramer acetate )  -   Multiple sclerosis

Sunday, July 24, 2016

5 ways to treat Sunburn.

It’s the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation – not heat – that causes sunburn, premature ageing, eye damage and skin damage, which can ultimately lead to skin cancer. UV cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light which we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. Because we can’t sense UV radiation, we won’t know it’s damaged our skin until it’s already too late.

If you have a sunburn than you have to do some treats that will help you . 

1.If you are close to a pool get on the pool and take a little off that will help you , or you can put some ice but not directly in the burned area.

2.While the skin its still damp you lotions , repeat that for few days.

3.At the first sign of sunburn, taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin, can help with discomfort and inflammation.  Aloe vera may also soothe mild burnsts  Aloe vera may also soothe mild burns and is generally considered safe. Wear loose, soft, breathable clothing to avoid further skin irritation, and stay out of the sun.

4. Its importatn to rehydate a lot , you need to drink extra water and liquids , that helps you to put eletrolytes in the normal stand and that will help you more during the skin heals.

5.If you have some sings that are normal and you dont feel really good , than the best way its to go to see a doctor but dont touch the skin at all .

Thursday, July 21, 2016

20 Reasons why you should date a Doctor

1.The stethoscope
2. They can give you a gift of " mising them " because they are always at work .
3. They can give you a free medical consultation
4.You save yourself the embarrassment of going to a doctor with a water infection!!
5. They are smart !!
6.They know their anatomy well.
7.They are heavy weight party people in the weekend.
8.Let's play doctor!!!
9.They are well trained to listen.
10.They know how you feel well maybe not but they try to.
11. They always have a strange new story to tell.

12.They offer you a tissue when you feel like crying.
13.They can stay up all night if you want them to.
14.They can guide you in a gym.
15. Money Money Money ,
16.Free Medical samples!
17. You jusst cant shock them.
18.They know what you want to hear and say it .
19.They try to dress nice . (well they try their best)
20.They are trained in braking bad news in nice way !!!!

10 Highest Paying Countries For Doctors

1. Netherlands :Average yearly compensation (specialists): $253,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $117,000

2. Australia  : Average yearly compensation (specialists): $247,000    Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $91,000

3.USA : 
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $230,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $161,000

4.Belgium : 
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $188,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $61,000

5.Canada : 
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $161,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $107,000
6.United Kindom :
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $150,000
Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $118,000
7.France :
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $149,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $92,000

8.Ireland : 
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $143,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $90,000

9.Switzerland : 
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $130,000   Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $116,000

10.Denmark : 
Average yearly compensation (specialists): $91,000    Average yearly compensation (general practitioners): $109,000

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Medical Student

Learinig from the internet , Free way

Learnin from the internet its a new thing but in medicine you can learn online. In medicine science the online learning its can be really useful and by searching for videos and online stuffs on the internet you can really have better studying and more easy.

If you start studing Anatomy and you have to learn a lot and you have to memorize a lot off things you can easy help your study by Dowloading app's and they will really help you to know all the muscles and blood veins. I tryed that really helped me a lot.

If you start studyin the biochemistry you have to see all the things online those things helped me a lot.

Radiology exam its very easy if you watch a lot off youtube videos and you can compare a lot off pics on the internet.

3 ways to help you focus on your study

1. Develop a routine and stick to it.

Whether we like it or not, we live in an advanced world right now . Without a set schedule, life can become chaotic rather quickly. To prevent chaos from overrunning your priorities, a Harvard Business Review article suggests adopting rituals in our daily and weekly routines. By closely following the rituals you have set,  you can maintain focus and work better. As you progress in your course work, you can evolve the rituals that make up your daily routines using different techniques and practices that work better for you.

2. Turn off all electronic devices.

While we all love our tablets and smart phones, these gadgets expose us to a world of distractions. Ironically, many of these devices were meant to save us time but end up wasting valuable time instead. For many people, cell phones have become a “new best friend” that enables them to see what everyone is up to, a highly appealing feature especially for people who lack real human connections. Even if you aren’t actively trying to access your smart phone, you’ll be distracted by notifications, texts, and incoming calls. The bottom line is that your mobile device is the enemy of productivity and you should declare your study space and time a gadget-free zone.

3. Visualize with paper.

In many contemporary classrooms and workplaces, tablets and computers are beginning to replace pen and paper for note-taking. However, you are better off ditching the keyboard and writing out your notes by hand. It keeps you more engaged and provides a means for visualizing ideas, and questions.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

5 things in a life of a medical Student

These things you will know and you have to be prepared , its not easy never been but it worth it .

1.You will be able to use what you learn for the rest of your life: 
Maybe you think that everything that you learned will you will face in you life , thats not true a lot off things you will not be able to use during you life as a doctor.
the There are a lot other areas that you can study , with areas of study including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and pathology all being directly applicable in diagnosing, understanding and treating a disease.But you have to learn all off them you are not studying only one area you will be learnin the whole body function, you need all off them.

2. Its Hard Work : 
You know you have to lose a lot things that you did before , maybe you will not be able to get out with friends because you have to learn about Gluteus Maximus all night long . Sometimes you have to do maybe 9 hours learning to pass the exam , especially if you try to learn all those things in exams week..
Therefore it’s important to be flexible with how you work and appreciate that sometimes you will have to put in a long stint of work in order to have the time off when you need it.

3. Medicine its a long: 
Before you start medicine school you have to know that medicine its a long course. There are a lot material that you have to learn and its not that easy you have to know that. You will not have holidays that you used to have before its not the time for that anymore , short holidays and back to the books to become a doctor to help the world.

4. You think you can change the world : 
Well good luck with that !
You can make some good stufs but to change the world its almost imposible you can do some things that will help in little stuffs but to make major moves that its kind off hard in medicine. But NEVER SAY NEVER.

5. Pass exams Become a DOCTOR : 
In  any kind of disaster, if you pass all your exams while studying medicine you will go on to become a doctor. This may well seem like stating the obvious, but it’s worth taking a step back and thinking about this. By passing you in an exam a university is certifying that you are competent enough in that subject area to continue on the path to becoming a doctor. If you are in this to become someone than Just Do It

Top 10 Medicine Schools in the World 2016

The world's top universities for clinical medicine have shown strength in producing research related to a variety of medical and biomedical topics. These include anesthesia, cardiology, general and internal medicine, gastroenterology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, radiology and surgery. These are the best global universities for clinical medicine, based on their reputation and research in the field.

1. Harvard University   - USA
2. University of Oxford   - UK
3. University of Cambridge  - UK
4. Stanford University -    USA
5. Johns Hopkins University - USA
6. Unversity of California , LA - USA
7. University of California , San Francisco - USA
8. Yale University  - USA
9. University college London - UK
10. Karolinska Insititue - Sweden

How to pass exams ...

1. Take regular study breaks :

When your brain is working, you need to take regular study breaks to help your brain absorb more information but also to keep you motivated and focused when you are working. Take a short break after 45-50 minutes study as your focus and concentration will become impaired after this period, anything new after 1 hour 30 minutes does not get assimilated.

2. Practice 2-3 times : Practicing sample answers to past exam questions can help train your brain to retrieve information. Create realistic, exam-like condition and test your understanding by using our  quiz . 
Don’t Stay Up All Night Before an Exam
make sure to get adequate rest the nights leading up to your exams. When you sleep, your brain assimilates the information you have learned when studying so getting a good night’s sleep will help you remember those pesky maths formulas you need for your exam!

4. Study in a Group: 
Studying in a group can help you collect new insights to enhance your learning experience.  Maybe someone know something that you readed but you didnt understand this will help you more and more.

5 ways to improve your memory

Im traying to show you 10 ways to improve your memory and help to study.

1. Walk before the exam 
It’s been proven that exercise can boost your memory and brain power. 20 minutes exercise before an exam can improve performance.

2. Create Mental Associations :The ability to make connections is not only an easier way to remember information, but it’s the fuel of creativity and intellegence. Mind maps can help you to connect the information that you learnd.

3. Draw Diagrams : 
Drawing diagrams will help you to visualise information which would be hard to describe. This creates a visual memory in your mind which can be recalled in an exam. You may even be asked to draw or label diagrams such as the human heart in your exam so get practicing

4. Use notes : Use notes and stuffs that you can find in internet and on different apps that will help you memorize and learn faster.

5. Watch videos : You can find videos on the internet about medicine a lot and they will help you a lot and make your study more easy.  

Why You Chose Medicine ?

There are a lot off things why you can chose the medicine. Maybe you have talent and you want to show what you can do in medicine science . Maybe you parents saying you that the only thing you have to do with you life its medicine . Think and respect yourself about why you should chose or not medicine.

1. You have to learn all the summer and maybe in the exam day its not your best day!

2. You will be good member off the family if you are a Doctor.

3. Depends in witch country you live but you will have a good life.

4. You will always will be respected by everyone else , thats good.

5. You have to learn all your life its jusst the way medicine works.

6. You will face a lot arrogant people and you have to keep up dont be like them.

7. Every patient will come to you and you will be his hope to help dont be arrogant help him remmeber where you came from.

8. Not all the days in medicine can be easy a lot off days are hard but you have to keep up and help everyone that you can.

9.You will be stresed all the time.

10. Your robe its white try to keep that way.